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Our Services

serves domestic and international clients with the ambition to make a significant contribution to the protection of their corporate investments by


As pivotal for these services we see the prosecution and enforcement of intellectual property rights before the following institutions:

  • EPOEuropean Patent Office
  • UPCUnified Patent Court
  • EUIPOEuropean Union Intellectual Property Office
  • WIPOWorld Intellectual Property Organisation
  • DPMAGerman Patent and Trademark Office
  • BPatGGerman Federal Patent Court

Innovation Lab

Align your intellectual property with your business

Based on your USP, we harvest your innovation and design synthetic inventions for protecting your business model. As a result, your IP portfolio will drive the success of your enterprise.



Dr. (USA)

Nikolai F. Hartz


Dr. Nikolai F. Hartz is a German and European Patent and Trademark Attorney as well as a European Patent Litigator.
He holds a doctorate in chemistry from the University of Southern California in Los Angeles (USA) where he worked with Nobel Laureate Prof. George A. Olah. He completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany) and the University of Rennes (France). Dr. Hartz specializes in inventions in the fields of chemistry, life sciences, and nanotechnology.

Dr. sc. nat.

Wolfgang Blodig

Dr. Wolfgang Blodig is a German and European Patent and Trademark Attorney as well as a European Patent Litigator.
He holds a chemistry diploma from the University of Konstanz, Germany, and a doctorate degree in biochemistry from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich. For his dissertation, he was awarded the medal of the ETH. Dr. Blodig‘s major technical areas of practice are chemistry, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology.



Patentanwaltspartnerschaft mbB
Weinstr. 8
80333 Munich

T: +49 89 21 99 76 0
F: +49 89 21 99 76 88


Being centrally located, we provide services from the heart of the European Patent System in close proximity to the German and European Patent Offices.

We are located in the center of Munich close to the Marienplatz, between City Hall and Frauenkirche, the historic cathedral of Munich, within walking distance to the German and European Patent Offices.

W&H is listed as a limited liability partnership in the Partnerschaftsregister (partnership register) of the Amtsgericht (municipal court) Munich under entry No. PR 531

Partner (PartGG): Dr. Nikolai F. Hartz, Dr. Wolfgang Blodig.

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